18 Frugal Hacks That Will Save You Money

August 10, 2023

If you could pick any superpower, what would it be?

I’m sure most people would say something along the lines of flying, super strength, or my personal pick, teleportation. But what about frugality? 

Okay, it might not be as glamorous as supersonic speed, but frugality is a superpower. It can help you enjoy more independence and freedom in your everyday life, protect against financial turmoil, and can even give you back some of your time. Sounds pretty super to me!

What is Frugality?

Simply put, frugality is making the most out of the resources you have, and using everything you accumulate to maximize the potential value it can bring you. It’s about being mindful of your consumption, and doing your best not to be wasteful.

Usually, this manifests as spending less money on things that don’t bring you joy or value. And that leaves more room for spending money on things you do love and value in life.

Here are some quick differences between frugal and not-so frugal folks…

what is frugality?

18 Frugal Hacks That Will Save You Money

OK, now let’s get into all the practical ways you can incorporate frugal values into your life. You don’t have to do ALL of these frugal hacks, but it’s a good idea to at least try a few and see if you like ‘em!

1. Cut Your Own Hair

With a little skill (and a lot of confidence) cutting your own hair isn’t terribly difficult. At the very least, sometimes a little trim can extend the time between getting proper haircuts at the salon.

Sure, those bi-monthly barber shop treks aren’t ruining your ability to retire. But even small savings add up over time. Also if you have a large family, cutting your kids hair is MUCH cheaper than paying someone else to do it!

Check out these DIY haircut videos. There are hundreds (maybe even thousands?) of hairdressers and frugal folks that share their knowledge online so you can save money at home!

2. Hang Dry Your Clothes

Did you know that if you have a large family, it could cost you over $500 a year just to launder your clothes?

Not only does hang-drying your clothing save you money on your electric bill, it also saves you money on clothing too! Dryers can cause wear and tear on your clothing items with each cycle, and can warp or shrink many fabrics. So, if you want your clothes to last longer, this frugal hack is a must. 

If line drying just isn’t practical for you, you could also consider purchasing wool dryer balls, which cut the drying time of your clothes.

More Laundry Hacks: 10 Ways to Save Money Doing Laundry

3. Clip Them Coupons!

There’s no shame in using coupons. They are one of the ultimate frugal hacks. And this doesn’t have to involve the Sunday paper and a pair of scissors.

Before you purchase something, Google for discount codes or do a search on the best deal websites. A few minutes of research could save you lots of money! Don’t be afraid to ask the company you are buying from if they have a discount code that can be applied to your order too.

Want the lazy way to save on your purchases? Try installing a browser extension, like Honey, which will search the internet for coupon codes at online checkout. 

4. Grow Your Own Vegetables

If you want to eat the freshest food possible, you have to start growing your own produce. Growing food at home can be very rewarding and enjoyable, and best of all it can save you money in the long term. 

Just head to Walmart Seeds, Amazon Packs, Burpee, or Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds for your seeds. Local nurseries are good too, plus you can ask questions and get advice there!

Then, check out some YouTube channels like Epic Gardening or MIgardener for everything you need to know about how to get started.

With a bit of patience and persistence, you can grow a thriving garden that provides fresh, healthy food for you and your family. It’s fun, and depending on your success it can be really cheap!

Pro tip: No room for a garden? Try growing microgreens in a jar. All you need is a jar, a sprouting lid, seeds, and a windowsill! 

5. Rent or Borrow Instead of Buy

Frugal people are masters at renting and borrowing things. This saves them from purchasing items that are only used a few times and sit idle for years on end, collecting dust.

If you need a tool for a specific project, try reaching out to your neighbors and asking if you can borrow it instead. You’ll be able to save money and deepen your relationship with your community.

You can also try posting on your local “Buy Nothing” group on Facebook to see if anyone is getting rid of the item you need. It takes about 20 seconds to make a request post. It never hurts to ask!

If you can’t borrow or rent something, see if you can find it second hand at the thrift store. Or try buying from secondhand marketplaces like Ebay, Craigslist or FB Marketplace. Help the Earth and save money at the same time. What could be better than that? 

6. Take Advantage of Free Stuff

Another frugal hack that can save you tons of money is to take advantage of freebies. And I’m not talking about the free samples at Costco…

There are so many things that you can enjoy for 100% free if you know where to look. For example, if you join your local library you can usually enjoy free entrance to local museums, free events, and even free certification courses. That’s in addition the the free books you can check out, of course.

There are also plenty of free classes you can take online through websites like Udemy and Coursera, in all kinds of topics stretching from JavaScript to Guitar. You can learn new skills for fun, or even work on advancing your career from the comfort of your own home.

7. DIY House Projects

Minor home repairs and basic car maintenance are easier these days thanks to YouTube. There’s no need to fork over money to a mechanic if you’ve got the skills to fix things yourself. YouTube is full of great DIY videos which can help you to fix things around the house for way less than hiring a professional would cost. 

Just remember not to fall into cheap territory. A poorly done repair on your end can end up costing you way more in the long run, so make sure not to bite off more than you can chew.

Also, there’s something to be said about valuing your time. An oil change on your car might take you 2 hours, in which case maybe it’s best to pay $45+ and have a pro do it for you. Here’s a guide on when to hire a pro or DIY.

8. Repair Instead of Replace

I know a guy who threw away his coffee maker just because the pot was cracked. Instead of buying a replacement pot (would have cost $30), he purchased an entire new coffee machine for $140! What a waste.

Frugal people will weigh all the options before just buying new things. Ask yourself if there is a simpler and cheaper solution available to you. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! 

Pro tip: Be sure to check out repair cafes, which have tools and expert volunteers who can help you to fix things like furniture, coffee makers, and laptops. 

9. Use Every Scrap of Food

Did you know that nearly 40% of all food in America is wasted? That’s both bad for our wallets and our planet. 

Find scrappy ways to use up more of the food you buy in your kitchen. You can search #sustainablerecipes on TikTok and Instagram for some inspiration, or get creative and come up with your own recipes!

Here are a few easy ways you can get started using your food scraps in your kitchen: 

  • Save your veggie scraps and peels for vegetable broth.
  • Save your strawberry tops for smoothies. They have tons of nutrients, and you won’t even taste them.
  • Have you seen the price of chips lately!? Instead of buying a bag of Lays for $6, turn your potato peels into delicious and crispy potato chips. 

Also remember that it is usually okay to eat food past the expiration date. If it’s a few days past the date, just check it for mold and give it the old smell test.

Related: Tune up your food skills with a pantry challenge or a no eating out challenge!

10. Turn the Thermostat Down

When I was a kid, I used to hate it when my dad turned the thermostat down, but now that I have my own bills to pay, I get it…

Pulling on a sweatshirt and turning the thermostat down by just two degrees can lead to meaningful savings this Winter. 

Also, remember to turn off all lights and unplug your appliances when you aren’t using them. You don’t want to lose money to those pesky vampire electronics…

Related Utility Hacks: 

11. Take Shorter Showers

Did you know that each minute you’re in the shower, 2.5 gallons of water makes its way down the drain? The solution: take a shorter shower.

Shaving even just 5 minutes off of your shower can save you 12.5 gallons of water, saving you loads of money in the long run. If you have a family, the effects can be exponential.

Want to save even more water? Consider saving rainwater and use it for things like watering plants, bathing, and rinsing produce.

12. Buy Quality, Long Lasting Clothes

Remember when I said that frugal people don’t always automatically pick the cheapest item?

Frugalites know that sometimes it makes sense to spend more money to get a quality item. Clothing is one of those things I typically choose to spend more on. Especially if it’s a “Buy It For Life” kind of item.

It can be helpful to consider the cost per use of an article of clothing you’re thinking about purchasing. Just divide the price of the item by how many times you’ll use it. 

For example, if you’re looking to buy a halloween costume you’ll only wear once or twice, it’ll probably make sense to go with the cheaper, lower quality item. (or borrow/rent one!)

However, if you buy a pair of shoes for $100 but you wear them every day of the year, your cost per use would be just 27 cents. As opposed to buying a $20 pair of shoes that only lasts you 40 wears, clocking in at a cost per use of 50 cents.

This is why it often makes sense to spend more on a higher quality item that you think will last you longer. 

Pro tip: To turn the frugality knob to 11, repair your own clothes when they start to show signs of wear, and when they’re completely worn out, turn them into rags!

13. Declutter Your Home

Depreciation is real. The things you use and enjoy lose value over time. So why not use a site like Craigslist to act as a free self-storage unit!?

Why not sell the things you don’t need, and if you ever need it back, buy that same item secondand? Chances are that more often than not, you won’t miss that thing you got rid of.

One of the biggest frugal hacks to save a huge amount of money is actually selling your second car. Downsizing your auto costs let’s you redirect all that money into more joyful activities!

14. Hand Make Gifts and Greeting Cards

Birthdays and Holidays don’t mean you have to empty your bank accounts! Hand making cards can easily save you $4-8 a pop, and they often look even more thoughtful. 

You can also get crafty and hand-make gifts. Things like the tried and true “coupon book,” or some baked goods are a great way to show someone you care without breaking the bank. 

Even better, getting some friends involved to help make DIY gifts can double as a fun hangout! Frugal hacks like this are contagious!

And if you really want a store bought greeting card, go to Trader Joe’s or to a dollar store. They’ve got great ones for way less than you’d pay at Target or Walmart.

15. BYO Lunch to Work

The average American spends almost $300 each month on dining out. An easy way to pare that down is by bringing your own lunch to work. 

If you don’t have time to pack lunch every night, try meal prepping! You make all of your lunches for the week on a single day, usually Sunday, and then you have them for the entire week. When you eat out, you’re often just paying for convenience. This is a way to get some of that same ease without breaking the bank.

And if meal prepping isn’t your jam, you can always just double your dinner recipes and take your leftovers with you to work the following morning. 

16. Ask for Discounts and Negotiate Bills

Sometimes, you don’t need to wait for a sale to snag a discounted price on an item you’ve been wanting to purchase. Understanding the art of asking for a discount can help you to save money year-round, regardless of whether or not there’s a sale. 

Here are a few easy and low stakes ways that you can start asking for discounts

  • Call your credit card company and ask them to waive a late fee. 
  • Ask your cable or internet providers for a promotion/discounted rate. 
  • Try to negotiate free shipping or an additional discount on an order
  • Ask for a free upgrade or discount on a hotel stay!

You can also typically get a discount for buying items in bulk. If you have room to store them, consider buying more of your essentials at a wholesale club to save more. 

Asking for discounts and negotiating your bills is a great way to advocate for yourself financially, and to build your confidence.

asking for a discount

17. Learn and Hustle Instead of TV

Frugal hacks aren’t just about saving money. They’re also about saving and spending time wisely. Time is our most precious resource, after all!

While catching up on our favorite shows can be fun, watching too much TV can be a total time suck, and it probably won’t make you feel very good in the long run. 

Instead, try enjoying simple pleasures like reading, working on your hobbies, and learning new and exciting things. Spending time to improve yourself instead of wasting away in front of a screen can help you to become a more experienced, well rounded person. Which could in turn lead you to you earning more money in the future. Win/Win!

18. Travel like a Local

There are SO many frugal hacks when it comes to traveling, like using travel credit card reward programs, a cheap flight tracker like Going, or traveling during the “shoulder season” to score cheaper accommodations. But one of the best ways to save money on that trip is to travel like a local. 

Touristy places are always going to be the most expensive, so consider staying a little bit off the beaten path. Smaller cities will likely be less expensive overall, and you’ll discover a new place that most people never get to experience.

19. Exercise for free

Frugal folks know that staying fit doesn’t have to cost money. Simple bodyweight exercises, active sports, free workout videos online, rucking (walking with a heavy backpack) are all things that anyone can do for free.

Here are a bunch of free and cheap exercise ideas that will keep you healthy and active. Find a couple that work for you and cut out those expensive monthly gym memberships!

How to Implement Frugal Hacks:

So now that you know these frugal hacks, how do you keep track of them and incorporate them into your life?

Get Inspired By Your Financial Goals:

If you need some extra motivation to jump start your frugal lifestyle, take some time to write down your big picture money goals. This will give you something you’re passionate about which can help you weigh each financial decision better.

Budget Properly

Having a budget you abide by can help you to stick to a frugal lifestyle. It can help to eliminate decision fatigue and gives you the freedom to spend on the categories you’ve budgeted for.

Related post: Tips to fix a failing budget!

Track Spending 

It’s hard to implement frugal hacks if you don’t know where your money is going. Tracking your spending is an important step in following a budget, so peruse or print out those bank and card statements and make sure to balance your budget at the end of the month. 

Incorporate Mindful Spending Techniques

Mindful spending is all about making sure that the way you spend your money aligns with your values. Practicing mindful spending techniques, like understanding your spending triggers, having a 24 hour purchasing wait list, and considering secondary costs before purchasing can help you stay vigilant on your quest for frugality.

Visual Cues

If you tend to forget about these frugal hacks in the moment, it can be helpful to create some visual cues to remind you. For example, if you want to hang dry your clothes more, put a note on your dryer to remind yourself to hang up those garments. If you want to remember to meal prep, try adding a calendar reminder on your phone for every Sunday!

Benefits of Frugality:

Living a frugal lifestyle has a ton of both financial and non-financial benefits. Here are some of the main ones you’ll enjoy immediately after implementing frugal hacks into your routine…

  • Saving money: For every dollar that you save on stuff that doesn’t provide value in life, you can spend that dollar on things that DO provide value.
  • Reduced debt: Frugal people don’t buy things they can’t afford, which generally means fewer debt issues in life.
  • Less stress: Having more margin in your life makes it easier to weather emergency or surprise expenses!
  • More time: The less you spend, the more abundant your time becomes. You don’t have to trade as much of that precious resource to increase your earnings!
  • A sense of accomplishment: Since frugal folks are living a more sustainable lifestyle, they get to rest well knowing that they’re living in accordance with their values.

Frugality has both pros and cons. The secret is finding balance, and knowing the difference between being frugal and cheap.

The Bottom Line:

The more you try frugal hacks – as whacky as some may seem – the more it starts to become second nature! There are so many benefits of living a frugal lifestyle, and we want you to enjoy them to the max.

We challenge you to try using at least one of these frugal hacks this week to jump start your journey towards frugal living. And bonus points if you share these secrets with a friend to help them benefit as well!

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* Advertiser Disclosure: How to Money has partnered with CardRatings for our coverage of credit card products. How to Money and CardRatings may receive a commission from card issuers. Some or all of the card offers that appear on the website are from advertisers. Compensation may impact on how and where card products appear on the site. Lastly, the site does not include all card companies or all available card offers.

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One comment on “18 Frugal Hacks That Will Save You Money

  1. Jani, Frugal Fun Finance Sep 14, 2023

    Hi Britney,

    Really loved this article – many different tips you can apply in multiple aspects of your life!

    Good point about using leftovers and scraps from cooking. As you mentioned, you can make many different dishes from leftovers. For example, you can use celery and chicken bones to make chicken noodle soup. I also liked your point about meal prepping and bringing your own lunch. It’s so easy to just buy a lunch every day. However, this expense really adds up over time. You can save even more money by comparing prices at supermarkets using an app such as Flipp.

    I also loved your point about investing in quality clothing. As you say, when you buy higher quality clothing and shoes that last longer, the cost per wear is a lot lower. When you own less clothing but what you do own is higher quality, you can invest in pieces that go together with multiple outfits. Creating a capsule wardrobe is one of the best frugal hacks. When you buy nicer clothing, you’ll save money and look great!

    What’s your favorite frugal hack and why? I personally am a fan of traveling like a local. Travel doesn’t have to be expensive if you eat local foods, take the local public transportation and compare hotel and flight prices ahead of time!

    – Jani, Frugal Fun Finance