Try a Pantry Challenge to Save Money on Groceries

September 2, 2023

Have you ever wanted to cry seeing the current price of chips at your local supermarket? Or felt like you needed to take out a mortgage just to afford some fancy cheese for a party?

You haven’t been imagining it. Food prices have, of course, been on the rise over the last few years, and we are all feeling the pinch. However, just because prices are going up, it doesn’t mean that you can’t fight back against this persistent inflation in order to keep your grocery budget down.

What is a Pantry Challenge?

One of the best ways to save some money on groceries fast is to do a pantry challenge. You know that can of chickpeas that has been sitting in the back of your cabinet for the last year? It’s time for it to shine. 

When participating in a pantry challenge, you’ll skip the grocery store for a week and challenge yourself to use up whatever food you have sitting in your pantry, cabinets and freezer. It forces you to get creative and you’ll save the equivalent of one week’s trip to the grocery store! Plus, you might even learn some valuable cooking skills in the process.

pantry challenge what is and benefits

How a Pantry Challenge Works:

The pantry challenge is super simple. Here’s how to take it on:

Step 1: Skip the Grocery Store- Don’t buy anything new at the shops until the challenge is over. That’s one less errand to run, one less thing to worry about this week! 

Step 2: Clean out the pantry/freezer- Go through your cupboards, fridge and freezer and make a list of all the ingredients you’ve got at your disposal. 

Step 3: Get creative- Now it’s time to put your brain to work to come up with delicious recipes using those leftover ingredients. If you need help getting creative, keep reading.

Step 4: Get Cooking- Enlist the help of your friends, or put your kids to work chopping.

Step 5: Stuff your face- Enjoy the fruits of your labor. Pat yourself on the back and think about the money you just saved, and the food waste you’ve prevented.

Tips to crush a pantry challenge:

Your pantry challenge meals don’t need to consist of a bunch of weird ingredients thrown together in a stew. Nor does it need to be boring!

Use these tips to enjoy delicious meals you’ll actually want to eat.

pantry challenge tips

1. Dig deep! 

Make sure to check in any places that you store food for leftover ingredients. Remember to dig deep and consider ingredients you won’t normally think of.

Have flour, water and yeast? You’re on your way to enjoying some delicious home baked bread! 

2. Master a few quick recipes

Some recipes are more flexible than others. If you master a few basic recipes, you can totally make a few adjustments and swap in whatever leftover ingredients you have on hand. Here are a few of my personal favorites:

Stir Fry- Add any leftover protein, veggies, and grains (rice or noodles) to a pan with some soy & hoisin sauce! Then add a drizzle of sesame oil to finish if you have it for the perfect dinner. 

Soups- You can get away with adding pretty much any veggies to a pot with broth and it’ll turn out solid. Cut up that spaghetti that’s been sitting at the back of your pantry for the last 2 years into some noodles, and add in a cup of lentils for a cheap meal that’s packed with protein. 

Pro tip: use old veggie scraps to make homemade broth if you don’t have any.

Salads- Throw any veggies & leftovers on top of a bed of greens and you’ve got a quick and healthy dinner!

Oatmeal- Pantry challenge breakfast edition. How creative can you get with some oats? Add frozen fruit, nut butters and seeds for a breakfast that will keep you full all day. Feeling adventurous? You can even try making savory oatmeal

3. Get some virtual help! 

If you have a few ingredients that you have no idea what to do with, try using the website SuperCook! You tell it what ingredients you have and it’ll spit out recipes to make using those foods. Actually sounds kind of fun, right!?

Our friend Beth over at Budget Bytes has awesome recipes too. She’s all about eating well on a budget, and also staying healthy in the process!

4. Make it FUN!

Does ramen night bring back old memories of college? Why not lean into it by eating on the couch (or in bed) while listening to old music, or watching an old movie you enjoyed during that time?

Or, host a “Chopped” style challenge with your friends… See who can make the coolest recipe with what you have on hand!

All in all, you don’t have to feel deprived during a pantry challenge. With a little creativity, you can turn it into something you even look forward to. 

The Bottom Line:

Food is always going to be a big part of your budge. But that doesn’t mean you can use it as an excuse to overspend and let your excess food go straight into the trash can. 

Every time an ingredient in your pantry expires, remember that you once paid real money for that item. And over time, everything you discard adds up into meaningful dollars!

That’s why doing a pantry challenge regularly (say, every month or two) can be a great way to ensure that you aren’t wasting money feeding the garbage. It can also help you to flex your creative muscles in the kitchen, help the environment, and keep your pantry free from clutter.

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