Trading our time for money will only get us so far. So many of us are programmed to believe that we have to allocate a large percentage of our time to making money in order…

For whatever reason, you might find yourself outgrowing your house and needing more space. Maybe you’re now self-employed and need a home office, or maybe you have a quickly growing family! With these changes come...

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Today our $Pro, Paula Pant, is going to reframe what it means to be an investor – does investing some money make you an actual investor? And what role should your emotions play when it…

Are we ready for a recession? The economy has been roaring for close to a decade and corrections are inevitable. We’re not saying to pay uber close attention to the news cycle and the different…

We are pumped to start releasing an additional episode every week that we’re calling our money pro episode, or $Pro for short! Every Monday we’ll hear from a $Pro as they discuss a topic that…

Should you itemize your deductions or take the new increased standard deduction this tax season? Answer carefully as thousands of dollars could be on the line! Most folks will opt for hitting the easy button…

The new tax law nearly doubles the standard deduction which means even fewer folks will be itemizing deductions on their tax returns this year- however, there is still an important way to massively cut our…

Happy New Year! As we’re all looking ahead and setting goals let’s not forget about money- we need a money roadmap! Now is the time to decide what we’re doing with our money this year….

Every once in a while we like to step back and think about our work. Why do we do it? Are we doing a good thing? There are a lot of misconceptions of work floating…

How amazing is it that we live in a world where there are so many ‘free’ things all around us? And how unfortunate is it, that we don’t even see these ‘free’ resources because we’re…